Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's day to my monkeys' daddy, Happy Father's Day to my daddy and Happy Father's Day to all of the other daddies out there!!!

Here's what Father's Day looks like at our house...some good ole on-the-floor fun playing trains with Daddy!

We've been busy here again the past couple of weeks.

We've been playing in the backyard...

I got a haircut...

We went to a local theme park for Joshua's company bbq yesterday. Here's the big monkeys and daddy going down the log ride...

And though Carter enjoyed rides like the carousel and the cars, his favorite activity of the day was getting drenched in the Hillbilly shower...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sharin' a bunch of pics!

When you live in Oklahoma, aparently you get a new roof just about as often as you change your underwear thanks to the crazy hail when the roofers are there making ridiculous racket... take off for the day to Tulsa to get some yummy groceries at Whole Foods and let the kids play (look for tadpoles) at the Tulsa Rose Garden Park...
...Carter is showing off his cherry that he refused to eat and rathered to carry around like a pet all day.
Carter is all ready to do some work of some kind...and has of course climbed up onto whatever he can just so he can be "way high, Momma!!"
We headed out of town for a working vacation (Josh worked, the kids and I vacationed) a couple of weekends ago. Josh scoffed when I went and got the suitcase thingy to schlep all of our junk from the car to the hotel room, and then as he unpacked the car onto it he said "what IS all this STUFF??" LOL sorry honey, we are a family of 5...we travel a tad heavier than a businessman with a carry-on. I cracked up when I came around the corner and saw that Carter had made the best of me making Daddy use that silly contraption. "Ride, Momma!!"
Carter wearing "glasses" at the pool.
The big monkeys LOVED the hot tub, but Carter preferred to just soak his toes in the "hot". And yes, note the dog in the chair behind the kids...the fur-monkey came on vacation too and we let him enjoy some time poolside!

Where's sister? "There she is!!"
We visited with Gabby and Charlie while on our working vacation...

Trevor holding Mason
Emilee holding Ethan
Carter testing out the twins' exersaucer to make sure it's adequately fun since the boys still have a couple more months before they can give their approval.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Trevor is NINE!!

Our middle monkey just celebrated his last birthday in the single digits!!! We had a bowling party with some school friends and Josh's grandma, Ruth, also flew into town for the long weekend as a special treat! Happy Birthday, Buddy!!

(Woohoo! Present time!!)

(Carter bowled too...waving "bye bye ball" each time he had a turn)

(Family picture with Grandma...5 out of 6 looking at the camera is good, right?!)