Thursday, March 7, 2013

Disney World Pt1

For Thanksgiving last year we took "The Vacation"...that biggie that every family is supposed to do at least once...we headed to Disney in Florida. We had decided to go in January, but with our unexpected move that summer and Joshua's complicated work schedule, we weren't sure we would get there. But at 5 am Saturday morning before Turkey Day, we were on the shuttle from the hotel to the airport...

Carter got happily snuggled into his first class seat (this kid doesn't know how to travel any other way lol!) next to Daddy...

And Trevor decided to be my seat buddy...

By the time we were waiting for our second plane, Emilee had woken up enough to pose for some goofy pics with Daddy...

And post-9/11, this kind of thing doesn't happen much any more, but during the second leg of our trip Daddy was able to get Trevor a chance to see what it is like to sit in the pilot's seat of an Airbus A320. Get us there safely, Buddy!!!

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