Sunday, November 15, 2009

Seriously, Trev?!

Friday night we had a party at church and took these hilarious photo booth pics... home and started getting the monkeys ready for bed. Carter and I were in the bathroom when I heard "CRACK" and Trevor screamed out in a panic for me. I ran and met him in the For the third time, Trevor has broken his arm. Really...I want to say "SERIOUSLY, Trev?!" and then I want to hug the poor monkey cuz it just stinks for him. We spent several hours in the ER and got his arm set in a temporary cast. Can I also just say here, thank God that Joshua was home. By what has to be divine intervention, he is always home for "the big stuff" and I'm really glad that he was here again. They reduced Trev's break in the ER with just tylenol with codeine and local anesthetic injections. THAT SUCKED so bad for him, and he was SO BRAVE (the PAs and nurses kept telling him over and over how he was sooo much tougher than most MEN that they treat with broken bones)...and luckily Joshua was here and loves that medical type stuff so he was able to hold Trevor through it while I rubbed his leg and talked to him but turned my head.

Here's the pic of his initial xray and one of his hand in the chinese handcuff contraption (that they used to reduce the fracture and relax the muscles before they put the temporary cast on).

Trevor is doing ok. We are right back in the familiar swing of life with a broken arm. Luckily this time it's his left, so he's able to do his schoolwork and feed himself. We went shopping for clothes at the thrift store that we can cut up to fit his cast, and Josh rebuilt his loft bed into a lower bunk so he doesn't have a ladder to climb with a cast. Tomorrow he's going to give a shot at going to school, and I'll get on the phone with the pediatric orthopedic surgeon to get an appointment to get his permanent cast put on. We have to get it done by Friday as we leave on vacation to CA Saturday morning. Unfortunately we had to cancel the Disneyland portion of our trip due to all of this, but we are hoping to try and go back in the spring.

I'll be back in a few days with pics of his cast...he's hoping they have red and green for a Christmas theme!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great photo booth pics! I've only seen them at weddings so it was nice to see them where everyone wasn't drunk :)

Poor Trev, 3 times??