He ALWAYS wants up on the counter to at least watch me cook, and loves when he can help...especially if it ends with something tasty like a spatula of cake batter!
I've stumbled upon a homeschool website that shares free printables of preschool material. I had no idea how Carter would react when I tried to present some organized learning to him...but he LOVES IT! He calls it his "home school" as opposed to the learning he does at "preschool" and came up with that name all on his own. He askes me quite frequently if he can do homeschool...some days I'm worried about running out of printer ink haha!
And his other current love is building with legos. I am pretty surprised for his age that his attention is being kept and he's using him imagination so well. He will literally sit with a box of basic legos for hours and just tinker around and build. This is a picture of his "dad ship". I think this title comes from hearing "mother ship" in some sort of alien reference. He has no real idea what that is...but when he heard there were Mother Ships, he also thought there should be Dad Ships!!
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