Friday, September 12, 2008

We went out for a bit this morning. There's a certain birthday girl who needed a cake despite the darn hurricane, so even tho it took us driving about 15 miles north to find ANY store that was open, we did and I snapped a picture of a little strip mall that had about half the stores boarded up. It was interesting to drive around and see all of the preparations...some businesses had parked their trucks up against their front windows, many had boarded up, and a few brave souls have vowed to stay open indefinitely and service their public.

So what do you do while you are waiting for a hurricane?? Well, you go over to the neighbors for a swim of course! It sorta seems funny...all this hype and the weather outside is relatively nice. So the kids took a dip (with their friend Sierra).

As of 4oclock here, the winds are picking up, the clouds are coming thru quickly and it's sprinkled a time or two. The eye will be here about midnight or 1am and the "bad weather" is expected to last until about noon tomorrow. We have all of our supplies ready for a power outage (our biggest expected issue), I've done the laundry and basic chores. So we are just waiting...

As power and internet connection allow, I'll post about our adventure, but we are expecting to be down at some eventual point for a while.


Cecile said...

Love you and praying for you and your family with all my heart!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen & Monkey Livin' Loved Ones! I love your blog, and the video is terrific. I am so grateful to hear that you are all safe and "weathering" the storms. Thanks for the updates and stay safe & healthy to live more Monkey Lovin' Days. Love you all - Happy Birthday to Miss Emilee too!
Janna, Evan, Jack & Evan - Paso Robles, CA

Alicia said...

what an adventure! i'll be looking for the "we made it through" post next:).