Monday, October 27, 2008


Wow, I've missed blogging about so much, but things have been so hectic I haven't been at my computer much. We are settling into our new home in Oklahoma...BUT... :-) there's always a but, right?! First bit of exciting news--we aren't staying here! Last weekend Josh and I bought a home and we'll be making our last and hopefully final move for YEARS in mid November. We weren't exactly planning on it, but the price was awesome and there was a brief miracle drop in the interest rates so the deal we snagged was beyond wonderful--we are so excited to own our own home again! The home we bought is brand new and just a couple of blocks from where we are renting right now, in the same subdivision. The kids will stay in the same school and will still be able to play with the friends they've made so far. So needless to say, the UNpacking was put on hold last week and next weekend we start REpacking for the trek down the street. I am soooo looking forward to Christmas, when I'm hoping I'll feel settled, something none of us have felt since early Fall. Here's a pic of the home we purchased...

I got my second call from Trevor's school that sounded something like this on Friday, "Hello, this is the nurse at Trevor's school. There's been a little accident, Trevor fell and cut his chin and it looks like he'll need stitches, can you come and pick him up?" So off I sped and collected my monkey who seems to love finding this kind of playground trouble (two years ago it was a broken arm at school). Josh was actually in town working at the office so he headed our way too and took Trev to the urgent care so I didn't have to do it alone with all three kids. Trev actually lucked out and didn't need stitches, just a good cleaning and an "expensive bandaid" as Josh put it LOL. The drama never stops *shaking my head*!

The kids are getting excited about Trick or Treating on Friday, but I am a bit disappointed about the holiday. About three days before Ike I had sat down with my patterns and costumes and had begun to hatch some ideas about what to make the kids for their Halloween costumes. I love to sew their costumes! But of course Ike changed those plans and we had to do store bought this year. And can you say EXPENSIVE??!! Emilee is being a princess witch, Trevor is being a Star Wars Storm Trooper and Carter is being a pumpkin. We aren't sure if Carter is going to actually GO as a pumpkin because he HATES his costume, but I was able to distract him for a few minutes yesterday into wearing his costume. I snapped a couple of pics as I wasn't sure we'd ever get it on him again...he is soooo headstrong it just floors us lol. And hopefully there will be cute pics of all three to follow later this week.

Playing at the parks that are within our new subdivision...

And some car traveling pics when we made the drive from TX to OK earlier this month...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful new place!!
And what an adorable pumpkin you have there - I hope he plays along and wears the costume once Halloween rolls around! :)