I was really busy this week and wanted to sit down and do several separate blogs but I'm thinking time isn't on my side sooooo here's a post about a whole bunch of stuff. And I thought this adorable picture of Em and Carter playing "cooking a pot of trucks" was a great topper.
So DARNIT and YAY! Josh travels most weeks Monday thru Thursday. And he was supposed to come home this week on Thursday and then have next week off for vacation, but some disaster befell a site in North Dakota and he had to rush off to it's rescue which doesn't put him home til Wednesday night next week...poop :-(. The kids and I are settled into the M-Th routine, but man we miss our Big Guy when his trips end up this long. BUT I do have to give a huge thumbs up to my hubby. He is kicking some corporate behind lately and I am VERY proud of him!! His bosses are impressed and in awe and I know that GREAT things are ahead for him!
So the big monkeys have one more week off and then school starts! I can't quite believe how fast the summer has flown by but here it is again...get that new outfit all picked out and school supplies in that backpack! We meet their new 3rd and 5th grade teachers on Friday afternoon and come Monday morning--school is back in session!!
So our littlest monkey is now eating with a fork off of his own plate (as opposed to with his fingers off of his high chair tray). Emilee noticed it tonight and got all excited and then said "awww he's growing up!" Yup, that he is...
So I've been reading the Bible. Reading the Bible?? Yup THE Bible. Kinda thought it was a good idea to actually read the whole darn thing. I've studied it some, a verse here and a chapter there, but never read it cover to cover...and as Josh and I are enjoying actually being able to go to church again now that we are here in TX I wanted to put some more study into it. So I am proud to announce that I'm on day 122 of a One Year Bible! Go me!! And now this next statement is probably what will shock most of you. This 400 pages I've read is about 375 consecutive pages more than I've read from any book in the last DECADE. Yup, I just said I haven't read a real book for the sake of reading it cover to cover since Emilee was born!! Yikes, eh?! So here's to breaking my dry spell (cuz I really do LOVE to read)!!
So last but not least...surrogacy update. Things are getting exciting!! First off Gabby and Charlie were here staying with us for the past few days and we had a great time with them again!! They are such a great couple, I'm really glad we are matched for this process but I'm also glad we get to become regular friends too! I was really touched too, as Gabby's mom sent us both matching insribed keychains that say Dream, Hope, Believe, Wish. I thought it was so thoughtful coming from the Intended Grandma! So Gabby and I have been on our respective meds getting ready to get me pregnant for just about a month and today Gabby had her egg retrieval. She did an awesome job growing her eggies and they got 24 mature ones!! This coming Thursday has been set for my transfer date (YAY that Josh will just make it back into town to be there!) where we will transfer two beautiful 5 day old blastocyst embryos. That also means that tonight I started my "big" shots that I'll take each night and one more GO ME...I did it! Shot is all done (yup, all by myself) and I'm sitting on my heating pad as I type. Oh and Gabby asked if I'd wear a family heirloom necklace of hers as a good luck charm during the transfer and I readily agreed...I'll drum up any extra luck I can get!! Sooooo we are hoping to have some wonderful news to share over Labor Day weekend!!
just getting caught up one blog at a time here...:)
wow, school starts early for you! by now, you are all ready in it..how is it going?
does 5 embryos mean you could actually carry five babies?
look forward to news. giving yourself shots, you brave woman you!
good job on reading! i started my in a year and got way off track on vacation prep and durration. i'm looking forward to picking it pack up.
Hey Alicia! Glad you made it back!
School actually starts this coming Monday so we are enjoying our last week of laziness. I think that's the same day as you. We'll have to compare notes in a week or so with how the kids are snuggling into their classes.
And for my transfer...we will be putting a quantity of two embryos in, and those embryos will be five days old at the time they are placed in my uterus. So noooooooo I won't be anywhere near carrying five babies...hopefully just one and possibly twins if both embyros stick.
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