Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baby's first haircut

Yup, our kids make it to just about their 2nd birthday before they are even close to needing a haircut lol...not big hair growers here. Soooo, as the hair was getting pretty darn long over Carter's ears, it was about time.

Now I have done almost all of our monkey's haircuts...we keep the style simple and it saves us TON$. But..."and then there's Carter." He is definitely NOT Emilee and Trevor at 2...he's a pretty big handful...very headstrong and stubborn and opinionated...and there was no way I was going to be able to do this for him. Someone else was going to have to cut his hair.

Now Carter has quite the list of "NO NO NO's" and one of them is anyone outside of our family touching him or dealing with him (read...hairstylist cutting his hair). He also refuses to wear a bib (read...haircut cape) and he hates being strapped into anything (read...haircut chair).'s first haircut is gonna be FUN!!

So I found a children's hair salon in town. I'd normally avoid these pricey places like the plague (really, kids don't need MORE nintendo and fancy decorations just for a haircut) but I knew I needed one thing that these places can provide...hairstylists experienced in dealing with upset toddlers. And Carter didn't disappoint...he started to cry and squirm as soon as we got him up in the chair despite our best attempted bribes of lollipops and tv. But God bless Cheryl-the-hairstylist...she did so well chasing Carter's little bobbing and crying head. She managed a bit with the clippers and then did her best trimming around his ears the top of his head with scissors. And just as Cheryl was finishing, Carter decided to settle down and enjoy his lollipop.

Now our special little boy looks suddenly much more grown up!

This morning BEFORE his haircut. Notice the long hair over his ears. Oh and notice it's winter and he's wearing nothing but a diaper. Another one of those issues Carter has...he doesn't prefer to wear clothes most of the time.

Not a happy camper...
"Maybe just maybe this wasn't so bad...the lollipop is decent consolation for letting that lady touch my head..."


Alicia said...

ooo..he does look handsome though!
Caed did not like it when he was little but it was mostly the buzzing razor so if we did clippers it was better. He had a hairy lollypop because we had to give it during the ordeal.
At least if it grows slow, you won't have to go through it for a while.:)

Tamara said...

Very cute. Aiden would not, and still will not, let them use the hair dryer. I think he had delusions of his head flying off. And, might I ask, just how you have time to write all of this down??? Love ya

Tamara said...

Very cute. Aiden would not, and still will not, allow them to use the hair dryer. He's got this crazy idea that his head will blow off, or something! And might I ask, where do you find the time to write all of this down??? Love ya