Thursday, January 7, 2010

90 days

Accountability is a powerful thing so here goes...I am going to read the Bible cover to cover in 90 days (or less!).

I gave a go at reading the Bible in a year about two years ago and stopped dead in my tracks the night that we lost power when Hurricane Ike hit. I told myself I'd get back at it when all of our "homeless" upheaval was over, but I didn't (I'd gotten just shy of halfway). So as one of my New Year's resolutions was to be more consistently in the Word, I started reading yesterday, January 6. I'm going to read cover to cover this time...instead of some Old Testament/some New Testament/some Psalms/some Proverbs as was the plan with the 365 day bible I'd started before. I'm hoping the Genesis to Revelation approach will be a bit easier as the other was a tad ADD for my already scattered brain to grasp hahaha.

Sooooo about April 5th, make sure and ask me how I did!!


Mrs.Oz said...

I will! Hey, isnt' that about 12 chapters a day or more!?
The books of the law are what I'm not looking forward to. I'm enjoying the chronological meathod so far.
I think doing it that condensed will help you see it more as a whole and prophecy directly fulfilled.
Did you mean you would not be reading those secitons you mentioned? I'm confused on that.

Karen said...

No...the "one year bible" I started before had you read some OT, some NT, some Proverbs and some Psalms every day. It sorta drove me nuts cuz I was bouncing in four different things every day. I will definitely be reading all of the cover to cover order this time. And yup, it's about a dozen chapters a day so far (the reading plan I'm going off of pretty much has it broken into 90 fairly equal sections). And after I'm done I want to read it chronologically!

Mrs.Oz said...

wow, great. i have about 12 chapeters too today because I missed the weekend readings!LOL!
No, that is challenging. I know you will love it though.
Sorry I did not get back soon enough to see your note. I should check when I ask questions.:)

Mrs.Oz said...

I'm sitting down right now to read btw before heading to Karens and thought...
where does that put you so far? You must be bookin it....get it? ha, ha....i find myself too funny!

Mrs.Oz said...

How is that going?

Karen said...

It's going great! I am on day 25 of my schedule, right where I'm supposed to be. I will finish up with 1 Kings 16 tonight. I usually try to read all in the morning quiet, but weekends are hard and there was too much fun snow to play in first thing this morning. So some tea and my bible is the order of the evening after the monkeys are in bed! How's your reading? Is your chronological bible set up on a schedule too?